Thursday 12 September 2013

Hooray its Autumn!!!!!

I don't know whether it's the idea of Christmas being near or the fact that I can put away the crop tops and revealing clothes and now have the excuse to go out in a massive baggy jumper, leggings and some boots that makes me love autumn so much!

I know a lot of people won't agree but I prefer the colder seasons over summer, I mean I love summer and getting a tan but after a while I think it all becomes a bit boring and when it's too hot to sleep I become so anti-summer! I love autum because it's the sort of weather where you can wear a nice jumper and leggings and be warm, not too hot or too cold (you are basically porridge). 
But mainly CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS is soon, I'm not sure what it is but nothing can beat the festive feel of Christmas for me! Just going out and seeing all the decorations excites me and I know that as soon as it's autumn time will just fly by! 

(picture taken from tumblr)
1. Hot Drinks- nothing better than a hot chocolate when it's a bit chilly to warm you up before bed! it's heaven, A MUST TRY is the 'Rocky Road Hot chocolate' that I can buy in my local sweet/chocolates store!

2. Clothes- I love clothes themed for colder times! Like the thick jeans and big fluffy boots all topped off by a massive themed jumper (especially nearer to Christmas) THEMED JUMPER IS A MUST HAVE (I joke but seriously you need one)

3. Start of a new school term- I know this is a little far fetched but I cannot be the only one who looks forward to a fresh start and meeting new people! There is nothing better than being 'cleansed' by summer holidays and going back to school without wanting to be held prisoner by your bed in the morning!

4. Make-up- I know this might not affect all of you but I find that in the summer applying make up is a lot harder and I've had to 'bear a naked face' many times in public due to the lack of point of putting make up on due to sweat and extra oily skin! I mean my skin is oily enough in the winter but I like how the colder air actually dries my skin out a bit enabling me to wear make-up that will last longer!

5. Cosy films- There is nothing better than getting home from a chilly day out and being able to get in bed and watch a few films without completely over heating ! I love a good rom com and Autumn is a very 'film' time for me, not sure why but I go a bit film crazy! Some recommendations are: The Mortal Instruments/ Surrogates/Iron Man/ Dark Knight

6. Shopping- There is nothing worse than constantly going into a shop and seeing the same stuff so i love going into Topshop or River Island and seeing a completely new array of beautifulll clothing!Shopping for this time of the year is my favourite, im not sure why but i seem to love the clothes so much more when they are themed for the colder seasons!

7. Outings- In summer i think you are quite restricted in what you can do and where you can go mainly just due to the heat, like somedays i remember not wanting to move just because the heat was so intense! But in this season the weather is perfect to do anything whether it be going on a walk or actually going out for the day somewhere (sweat is my worst enemy BLEH)

8. GYM- There is nothing worse than going for a run or to the gym and ending up soaked in sweat (mm i hate to say it but its the truth) I mean people know you dont look your best but honestly there is not looking your best and there is looking like a WRECK. The one thing about the colder seasons i love is the fact I can go for a run or go to the gym and im way less likely to sweat plus the cooler air just helps me exercise without overheating!

What is your favourite season and why?


  1. Hey sweetie just nominated you for the Liebster award! Congrats, go on my blog and see the rules and answer the questions I asked you. Maybe follow me back?
    xoxo, Daniela!

  2. Hi! I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award over on -Teri x

  3. Wonderful post....I like your pretty blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. Love your blog,so beautiful:)))
